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Tuesday 3 January 2017

Article: I Raped My Blood by Jeafi's Pen (Daddy What Have You Done Series 1)

I RAPED MY BLOOD (By Jeafi’s Pen)

Daddy What Have You Done Series

I thought I was doomed forever.
I had just made the biggest mistake of my life. I hurriedly got up from the bed. “What was I thinking?” I thought to myself as I stared at the figure in the bed. She whimpered in pain and whispered something I couldn’t decipher. This wasn’t my plan. My plan was to warn her to stop disturbing my family and maybe threaten her a little but what have I done? I ran out of the room in rapidity and out to the garage and into my car.
Why did I do that? And even if I had to do that, why did I have to be so violent about it? What if she dies? Maybe I should take her to the hospital. NO! If I do that I will be discovered and arrested. Instead of that, I reversed and zoomed off.

I’m not a bad guy. In fact I’m a very nice guy. I grew up watching my dad beat my mum and vowed in my heart that I will never do such to and lady and I kept this promise until that faithful day. I received word from my secret informant that he had found out why my dad was so mean to my mum. According to him, my dad had been seeing a woman that used to be my mums classmate and she and my mum were still friends. He also told me that she was always feeding my dad with negative things about my mum and yet she pretends to be my mum’s friend when they are together. My dad in turn being the idiot that he was will come home drunk and start beating my mum for sins she never committed. From that day, I made up my mind to see the end of that lady but God, I believe, warned me against it so I resorted to threatening and warning her to leave my family alone. After being sure of where she lives, I picked a suitable day to pay her a visit.
I walked casually to the door step and knocked on the door like the gentle man I was. I was shocked when I saw a very young lady at the door step.
“So you are the one disturbing my family”, I thought as I let myself in. She was a very pretty lady and was presently dressed in a very casual manner which made me feel a little nervous and ungentlemanly. She was almost naked. All she wore was a very skimpy and a little transparent dress. Everything about her was perfect. Her eyes, nose, lips “HOLY CROW!” What did I come here for and what was I doing? I snapped myself out of my reverie and tried to focus on my mission.
“Why have you decided to torment my family?” I asked as I took my seat while she was still standing in front of me questioningly.
“I’m sorry but I don’t get you. At least introduce yourself first” she demanded.
“Oh pardon my rudeness” I said sardonically “I’m the son of the man you’ve been having an affair with”.
“HEY! I won’t be insulted in my own house” She said glaring at me.
I laughed and stood up. “That won’t do. Let me introduce myself properly. I’m Duke Fisher. The son of Engr. Williams Fisher. Does that name ring a bell?” I waited for her to boot properly and then tried to read her expression.
She looked shocked at first then I saw a glint in her pretty eyes, then she finally smiled or wanted to giggle actually. I was livid at that very moment. How dared she laugh at me? I gripped her violently and then she actually looked terrified.
“How dare you? How dare you?” I yelled at her. I didn’t realize I was holding her so tight that it hurt her until she got the stamina to speak.
“Please hear me out first.” She said under her breadth. “Please let go of me.”
In my anger, I pushed her away from me so violently that her head broke a glass photo on the wall. I saw tears in her eyes and said to myself “save your tears for what I have in store for you”. I dashed towards her but she managed to dodge and run inside. I growled and followed her. I dashed into her room where she ran to pushing the door she was trying to close with my leg and this made her land on the floor revealing her sensitive parts due to the dress she was wearing. I grappled her up and gave her a resounding slap which landed her on the bed this time and printed my fingerprints on her face. She tried to say something else but I landed another slap on her face. I jumped on the bed to continue my vengeance but I went completely out of my senses and that was how I ended up raping her and now here I am.
Driving to where? I pulled over to think a little. My dad had been in this relationship for close to 7 years now but this lady looked really young. Beside she was supposed to be within my mum’s age range according to my informant. WHAT!!! Could it be that I met the wrong person? But I was sure of the address. Instantly, I turned back and hurried into the house. I ran to her room and met her where I left her. I knelt beside the bed and gently lifted her up feeling like a criminal. How could I do this to a lady?
“Why don’t you just kill me?” She whispered
“I… I… I’m” I couldn’t find my balance again
“What? What type of person are you? At least you will have asked for my name.” I was terrified of what her name might be this time.
“And what is your name?”
“Rachael Fisher.” She replied. “The daughter of the person you were looking for and … Your sister.” She said the last word with a weak breadth and her head fell on my chest.
GOD OF HEAVEN!! What did I just hear? I raped my sister? WHAT! Wait is she still alive? I wondered shaking her.

“Sir Sir Sir! We have arrived.” My driver woke me from me reverie. So it was just an imagination. Thank God but that imagination already made me change my mind from what I wanted to do.
“Thank you.” I said and walked to the door and knocked just as I had done in the dream. And to my utmost surprise, a young lady, a very pretty one in casual dress, opened the door.
“Hi. I’m Duke Fisher.” I said extending my hand for a hand shake and you…
She looked at me with a mixture of surprise and glee and replied “I’m Vicky Fisher. My told my mum you will locate me eventually but she didn’t believe me.” But instead of receiving my handshake, she jumped on me and gave me a type of hug I had never received before.
I rolled my eyes in shock lifting her from the ground in return to her whole hearted hug.


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