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Wednesday 1 February 2017


Yes, you read right. why Christians are dying.
after carefully analyzing, I would like to share with you the TRUTH about why Christians are dying, and you better brace up!

1. if you are not growing you are dying; yes, once growth is suspended, death becomes inevitable.

2. if you think you know it all, you are dying; dying Christians are not the ones on sick beds and emergency rooms, ironically you still find them on the alter with the microphone, they still dominate our pews and ministers conferences, it's hard to tell the rottenness within their conventional carriage.
they have seen God and now know him more than he (GOD) knows himself and even the holy spirit can't convince them that there's a million more things they don't know and need to know.

3. If your Heart is Hardened, you are dead; you are beyond dying, you are dead, the holy bible boldly says that the kingdom of GOD belongs to little children, and the criteria for entrance is to become like them, most Christians are walking dead because they have simply left out this simple life-guide, yeah, eternal life guide.
they have grown into adults and lost every sense of child-likeness towards God and to them that is growth, let me burst your bubble, you are dead. because you have lost the very channel to the heart of GOD which is Child-likeness, because you now know too much, your heart has been hardened and there's no more room for God
pray my friend for brokenness or await your burial.

4. If You Are Not Teachable you are Dead; this are modern set of pharisees who have successfully changed their names to Christians, when they ask you questions don't expect a little Jesus at the foot of the priests or a little Samuel at the foot of Eli, rather, expect a pharisee asking Jesus what he thought about the law, so as to find in him a fault to crucify him, expect an all knowing scribe who knows too much to give a damn about your perspective...
expect a spiritualist who knows better than Jesus because he done reading the whole bible! how DEADly.

5. If you think that your Diligence In Time past is making up for your current Laziness, you are dying: Yes my friend, you are dying and you don't even know it? how did you think that your hotness when you made diligent efforts to stay hot will sustain you through this days when you are consistently telling God and everything he stands for to give you a break so you can enjoy your DEATH? i mean, your life...? check within you you would agree with me that you are dying and very soon if you don't return to your first love to give you life, you'll be too dead to even excite the devil.

6. If your heart Is Always In A Hurry To dismiss God and spiritual Things, you are dying: yes, prayer for you is now more of a routine check than an experience of his presence, when you close your eyes to mutter those self righteous prayers in tongues or whatever, you and GOD and i of-course, know that your heart is nowhere close to what your lip is uttering, rather it's far far away where even God has to make a grand physical appearance to get your attention, hmmm, i don't need to say further.
I didn't make this list to spite Christians rather to address the often neglected evil that has bound our comfortable Christianity and also to raise within us a fresh consciousness of this reality so that we might address them as they concern us and our various christian walks.
The list however is endless, however, it's obtainable that we make do with and work on the above listed as we anticipate the next big topic right here

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